Monday, March 30, 2020

Guide to Writing a 1000-Word Essay

How to Write a Good 1000-Word Essay Some students think that it’s easy to write a thousand words, however, the simplicity of this task is apparent. Such essays are short, but this is the reason why you need to pay attention to every single word. Sometimes you may need to spend a couple days, ridding of unnecessary phrases, and rewriting your sentences to make them not only concise but also informative. Your essay must be interesting if you want to keep your readers engaged in your story.The structure of your paper must be easy to read, so we suggest including transitional sentences between paragraphs. Sometimes it’s hard to present a clear opinion on some topic when you have only 1000 words, so we decided to help you with a piece of advice.Keep WritingProbably the best advice in this situation is writing non-stop. Don’t be concerned about your word limit, just begin writing whatever you want to tell your readers. Such an approach may be time-consuming, but it will allow you to clearly understand wh at to include in the final version of your essay, as well as what gaps what do you have in your logic so you can fix them further when writing a short version of the essay.Free writing is a useful thing. It can help you get your thoughts together and develop a clear and informative opinion. Even if your first draft is a thousand words longer than you need, you can always fix it and rewrite it in any way you want. Once you’ve finished working on your first draft, emphasize the most important parts, and get rid of all the unnecessary sentences and words. After this, you only need to connect all thoughts in the best way possible, check the structure, and polish your essay.A 1000-Word Essay — Is It Long?A 1000-word essay may take different numbers of pages, depending on the format of your document.Using Calibri font, 10pt, with double spacing, your document will be two pages long.Using Arial font, 12pt, with single spacing, your document will be also two pages long.Using T imes New Roman font, 12pt, with double spacing, your document will be four pages long.The examples above represent the most common formats in college and high school writing.Create a Proper StructureIgnoring the structure is the most common mistake among students who are writing 100-word essays. Even though your essay will be relatively short, it doesn’t mean that its structure shouldn’t meet common requirements regarding college papers. It must consist of three major sections:Introduction (100-200 words)Grab your readers’ attention;Acquaint them with the background information about your topic and explain the purpose of your essay;Present a strong thesis statement.Body (600-800 words)First paragraph (200-3oo words) Introduce the topic of the paragraph, present arguments, support them with evidence, draw a conclusion.Second paragraph (200-3oo words) Introduce the topic of the paragraph, present arguments, support them with evidence, draw a conclusion.Third parag raph (200-3oo words) Introduce the topic of the paragraph, present arguments, support them with evidence, draw a conclusion.Conclusion (100-200 words)Rewrite your thesis statement in a new way;Restate the most important points of your body paragraph;Make a general conclusion.Final AdviceIn order for you to not write in a rush, we suggest managing time properly. Don’t let the number of words fool you — you may spend more time than you think editing and polishing your essay. We also suggest proofreading the final version as many times as you can. Show it to somebody, get feedback and use it to create a really impressive paper.If you’re not sure that you can cope with this task alone, just contact our writers and ask for help. Our writing experts know everything about essays and other papers, so you won’t need to worry.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Report on Peters Principle Essays

Report on Peters Principle Essays Report on Peters Principle Paper Report on Peters Principle Paper In a hierarchically structured administration, people tend to be promoted up to their level of incompetence. Thus, every position will eventually be occupied by someone who is not quite capable of doing the job. This maxim was Peters response to the universal question of why things go wrong. The thing is that it is human nature to blame other people for their mistakes. So, I think we shouldnt be surprised that everybody immediately grasped the principle because everybody recognized that their own boss was an example of the principle in action. Top-down organizations operate under the Peter Principle, which as we already mentioned, states that everyone within the organization rises to the level of his own incompetence. As long as someone is competent, he will continue to perform well and be promoted for it. However, there will come a time when he is no longer competent enough to be promoted for what he is doing, and he will inevitably remain in that position so that his incompetence can be blamed for all of the other incompetence that flows from the managers directly above him who were promoted in exactly the same way. In top-down organizations managers are focused on processes and regulations. They do not support their employees as much as they control them. Managers do the thinking, employees do the doing. Finally, a company with a top-down structure is competitively disadvantaged in the long run. In order to stay in business and remain competitive, companies have to be, run smoother, be more cost effective, grasp innovation, build leaders, and be able to change quickly and be flexible above all else. Careers were made and careers were shattered and destroyed as people reacted, and to our strong belief highly overreacted, to Dr. Peters great insight. The point is that when we read the case, at first we were astonished, as Peters principle sounded so truthful, BUT after analyzing the topic we concluded that it had some significant faults. They are as follows:Â   Its not wise to promote incompetent people to higher positions. The Laws of Gravity always prevail, making them eventually falling back down on you, taking the whole organization with them; Weve heard of way too many successful and extremely talented managers and people in other fields, (we exclude Georgia in many cases, of course:();Â   A person may be unable to reach their level of incompetence for a simple reason such as that higher level in a given hierarchy simply doesnt exist; Peter suggests that every person is motivated and wishing to get promoted, but all of us have heard of people stuck on their jobs. Its just that some prefer to stay in their places; because they might love the job theyre assigned to, or hysterically afraid to get a promotion, as they have low self-esteem and underestimate their capabilities which results in fearing new position and/or being unable to fulfill the high expectations, or a person can in fact know for real he is not fit for the suggested position. Unfortunately, the more afraid a person is, the worse his/her mistakes are, and the more closely that someone has to be watched over, and the less we justify forcing the person to accept the so called irresistible offer! To avoid the feared and undesirable promotion people start simulating incompetence. We think in the case it is very well described and dont consider necessary to deepen the issue. Instead we want to emphasize your attention on the following: To get promotion being competent on existing position is not enough, as there are numerous strong obstacles that prevent a persons going up in the organizations hierarchy. For one thing lets take our country for example. To get promotion in Georgia you need the help of a so called strong hand, as at least 80% of workers get promoted thanks to their relatives and/or close acquaintances. Now lets try to analyze Peters Principle from managers point of view. What can be said is what we already mentioned: It is highly unwise to promote people to their own level of incompetence. Why? We think the answer is obvious, if you want your organization to stay in business you MUST have very smart and competent employees, and thats what we have in reality. Managers do try to have competent people do the job, and so far, thank God, they successfully handle it most of the time. We should not forget that people need to be treated with respect, knowing that their input matters and their ideas can change how things are done. They need to know that someone is proud of them for doing their jobs well. Everyone is an expert at something. And we emphasize the importance of the previous sentence. It was all we wanted to share with you at this point and we can only wish and hope we made our ideas clear as crystal and they are acceptable, as the topic contained immense opportunities and unfortunately we couldnt possibly cover all the angles no matter how much we wanted to.